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Gelecegi büyük birlik: TDB

Union of Turkish State - Türk Devletler Birliği - Turkiy Davlatlar Birlashuvi - Soyuz Turskih Gosudarstv
March 16, 92


Kirimli Gaspirali Ismail Bey : Dilde, Fikirde, Iste Birlik (21.3.1851-11.9.1914)


The Present time

20-22 march 1998 6th congress of Turkic people of the world in Bursa
The Fourth Kurultai of the Turkic Nations took place in Ankara on March 24-26, 1996. Representatives of 29 of them participated and listened to more than 95 speeches concerning cultural, linguistic and economic aspects of cooperation. The Kurultai worked out several principles on which mutual relations among the nations should be based. They are: a) mutual respect of sovereignity, b) non-intervention in internal problems, c) the principle of mutuality during talks and reaching agreement, d) the principle of equality. Seven large countries were identified as being the most important for the future success of the Turkic community: Russia, USA, UK, France, Germany, China and Japan. Representatives of the Turkish Republic suggested that the Kurultai should send an official letter to the United Nations demanding acceptance of the Turkish language as the sixth working language of the UN and other world organizations. They based their arguments on the assertion that the Turkic nations have more than 200 mln. in people and are spread from the Mediterrian to the Pacific Ocean. Res Publica - April 5, 96

Russia Muslims Congress - 01-03. September 1995 Moscow
Kazan Kurultay May 1991: latin script, friendship, solidarity, unity, freedom, Fond

Joint and Latin Script Efforts
December 25, 1991 re-introduced in Azerbaijan
Tatarstan planned to introduce the Latin Script starting June 01, 2001 by 2011. The Latin script has been used between 1927 and 1939.
Turkmenistan decided 12.04.93 to introduce January 01, 1996. The latin script has already been in use between 01.10.1928 and 1939
Uzbekistan September 01, 1996 the education with the latin script will start for pupils in the 1st class. The latin script will be fully operational latest 1999.
Kazakstan and Kyrgyzstan still use cyrillic script. Between 1926 and 1940 latin script was used. Kazakstan will start the switch in 2018 till 2025.
Yakuts 1917
First step : May 1922 in Baku: Yeni Türk Elifba Komitesi
New steps : November, 18-29 1991 Istanbul Marmara University Symposium - 33 letter Çerçeve Türk Alfabesi adopted
Text: Catagne, Latinisation de l'alphabet turc. Revue des études islamique, 1927, III p. 330-335
The Supreme Soviet decided on May 05, 1939 to introduce the cyrillic script for all turkish speaking nations within the Soviet Union.

Cengiz Aytmatov urged Turkic Nations to develop a common turkic language by overcoming the lingual differences and prefering common words during a working visit in Turkey in September 2004.


05.-06.06.2014 in Bodrum

16.08.13 in Gabala

23.08.12 in Bishkek

14.07.10 in Ankara

03.10.09 in Nakhichevan
17.11.06 in Antalya
26.04.01 in Istanbul
08.04.00 6. Summit in Baku
09.06.98 5. Summit in Astana
21.10.96 4. Summit in Tashkent
28.08.95 3. Summit in Bishkek
17-18.10.94 2. Summit in Istanbul
10.1993 Baku Summit cancelled
30-31.10.1992 1. Summit in Ankara

Yaslik - Genclik
The Turkish World Youth Assembly DTGB was found in 1992. Since then young people from all over the Turkish world come together every year for assemblies and youth camps in different turkish places.


Joint State Efforts
1. Russia Muslims Congress 15. August 1905 Makaryevskaya Fair near Nizhniy Novgorod: Decision to form an 'Ittifak' to achieve reforms
2. Russia Muslims Congress 13.-23. January 1906 Petersburg: Approval of the Statutes of the 'Ittifak-i Müslimin' with a Central Comittee and 16 regional offices. Every August 15 the general meeting will be held in one of the regions.
3. Russia Muslims Congress 16.-21. August 1906 Nizhniy Novgorod: President Ale Merdan Topçubasi, Gen.Sec. Yusuf Akçora - 800 deputies: decision at primary schools local dialects, at universities ottoman turkish will be taught
4. Russia Muslims Congress 15.-25. June 1914 Petersburg

Regional Conferences

Ümmet Council January 1906 Petersburg

Tatar Sudents 1. Meeting 10. May 1906, later in Kazan and Carkent

Teachers Congress August 1906 Baku

Students Meeting 2.-4. May 1907 Bubi

Bashkort, Kazak and All-Kirgiz Congress 21.-26. July 1917

Crimea National 26. November 1917

Hokand Congress 8.-13. December 1917

1. All-Russia Muslims 1. Congress 1.-11. May 1917 Moscow - 800 deputies took part and a 30 seat Central Committee was elected
2. All-Russia Turks Congress 20.-31. June 1917
3. All-Russia Turks Congress 17.-22. July 1917 Kazan (and Military Congress and Din Ulemasi)

All-Russia Muslims 2. Congress 13.-20. August 1917

Yeni Tarihteki Ilk Türk Devletleri

1.) 1860-1884 United and Independant Turkmenia
2.) 1864 Independant Kingdom in Dogu Türkistan & 1870-18.11.1884 Dogu Türkistan Kasgariya / Altisahar Devleti - Kasgar Hakimi Baskan Yakup Bey - 1933-1942 Ilk Dogu Türkistan Cumhuriyeti - 12.11.1944-1949 Dogu Türkistan Cumhuriyeti Baskani Alikhan Tore - 1955'den beri Xinjiang Autonomous Region
3.) 01.1906 Gagauz/Komrat Cumhuriyeti - Muhtariyet August 18, 1990 tekrar saglandi

4.) 31.08.-30.10.1913 Bati Trakya Bagimsiz Hükumeti
5.) 31.07.1917 Ic Rusya ve Sibirya Müslüman Türk-Tatar Muhtariyeti, Baskent Ufa ve Baskani Sadri Maksudi

6.) 18.01.-12.04.1919 Güneybati Kafkas Gecici/Kars Hükumeti
7.) 26.12.1917-07.1919 Kazak Alasorda Cumhuriyeti (Semey), reis Timislay 
8.) 11.11.1917 Turkistan Cumhuriyeti & Maveray-i Kafkas
9.) 18.12.1917-23.03.1919 Baskir Cumhuriyeti, reis Zeki Velidi - Muhtariyet 1990 Baskir SSC olarak yeniden saglandi
10.) 13.12.1917-1918 Kirim Bagimsiz Cumhuriyeti - 18.10.1921 Kirim Muhtar SSC - 28.06.1991 Kirim Muhtar Cumhuriyeti
11.) 10.12.1917-22.02.1918 Hokand Mahalli Muhtar Cumhuriyeti, reis Sir Ali ve Mustafa Çokay
12.) 1918-24.02.1918 Türkistan Muhtar Islam Cumhuriyeti
13.) 05.1918 Turkmenistan
13.) 11.05.1918 Muhtar Simali Kafkas Demokratik Cumhuriyeti
14.) 28.05.1918-27.04.1920 Azerbeycan Cumhuriyeti Baskani Mehmet Emin Resulzade
15.) 14.07.1918 Askabad Hükümeti

16.) 29.10.1918 Ahiska Hükümet-i Mukavatta

16.) 3.11.1918-06.1919 Aras Türk Hükümeti / Aras Cumhuriyeti, reis Cafer Kuli Han

17.) 5.11.1918 Kars Islam Surasi (Cenub-i Garbi Kafkas Cumhuriyeti), reis Cihangirzade Ibrahim Bey - 13.04.1919
17.) 01.02.1920 Harezm Halk Cumhuriyeti - Mart 1921, reis Pehlivan Niyaz Haci Yusuf
18.) 27.05.1920 Tatar SSC - Muhtariyet 30.08.1990'da yeniden saglandi
19.) 06.10.1920 Buhara Halk Cumhuriyeti - 20.09.1924, reis Muhittin ve Osman Hoca- 25.03.1918 Buhara muhtariyet
20.) 1921 Dagestan Soviet Autonomous Republic
21.) 13.08.1921-1944 Republic of Tuva
22.) 30.08.1921 Kabardino-Balkaria
23.) 04.1922 Samarkand Türkistan Türk Muhtar Islam Cumhuriyeti
24.) 1922 Adygea Autonomous Region, Adygea Republic in July 1991
25.) 29.10.1923 Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
26.) 21.04.1925 Cuvas SSC - Muhtariyet 1990'da yeniden saglandi
27.) 20.07.1974 Kuzey Kibris Türk Cumhuriyeti

Türkistan ~ eki düniye esigi goy! - Türkistan ~ iki dünyanin da kapisidir!
Turkistan urtak uyimiz!
Bir kere yükselen bayrak, bir daha inmez.

Kadin Haklari
Belki bircok kimseyi sasirtacaktir ama, Turk Dunyasinda kadina siyasi esitlik en son Turkiye Cumhuriyeti'nde 1934'te verildi. Turk Dunyasinda kadinlara secme ve secilme hakkini ilk verme serefi Kirim Turklerine aittir. Kirim Muhtariyet Anayasasi 1917'de, Rusya Tatar-Muslumanlari Muhtariyet Anayasasi 1918'de, Orta Asya'daki Harezm Cumhuriyeti Anayasasi 1920'de, Buhara Cumhuriyeti Anayasasi 1921'de kadinlara secme ve secilme hakki verdi. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti ise, ancak 1934'te bu hakki kadinlara tanidi (oldukca gecikerek). Doc. Dr. Timur Kocaoglu, Koc Universitesi, 03.05.1999

Yine bircok kimseyi sasirtacaktir ama, Turk Dunyasinda "Laik"lik ilkesi en son Turkiye'de 1934'te anayasaya eklendi. Din'in devlet islerinden ayrilmasi, ama devlet'in dini isleri kontrolu anlayisina dayali Laiklik (baska devletlerdeki "Laiklik" ve "Sekularizm"den ayrilan Laiklik) ilkesini ilk uygulayan Turk anayasalari sirasiyle 1917 Kirim Muhtariyet Anayasasi, 1918 Ufa-Kazan Tatar Muhtariyet Anayasasi, 1920 Harezm Cumhuriyeti Anayasasi, 1921 Buhara Cumhuriyeti Anayasasidir. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti ise, yine baska Turk devletlerinden epey gecikerek ancak 1934'te Laiklik ilkesini anayasaya eklemistir. Doc. Dr. Timur Kocaoglu, Koc Universitesi, 03.05.1999

Büyük Türkler
1851 Kirimli Gaspirali Ismail Bey : Türk Birligi - Tercuman founded April 10, 1883 - 1915
1857 Mirza Fethali Ahundzade : Latin Alfabesi
Yusuf Akçura
Mehmed Emin Resulzade 1884-1955
Merhum Ebulfez Elcibey 1938-2000



Topics - Things to be done

Economy - net work

  • Common Currency
  • Customs Union : ECO (since 1985, now 10 members) - border trade and BSEC ( 11 members, 18.187 mln qkm , 321 mln inhabitants , 785 bln GNP , 731 bln GDP )
  • Investment and Development Bank : BSEC Bank
  • Open Sky Policy - fifth rights have a look at the airlines in the sky
  • Postal and Telecommunication Service - GSM communication in the area
  • Transportation projects - Revival of the ancient Silk Road for tourism and trade
  • Agreements on Social Security
  • Eurasian Union of Chamber of Commerce and Industry - founded 06MAY93
  • Federation of Eurasian Stock Exchanges FEAS - check investment opportunities in shares

    Education - Culture - same public holidays

  • Education/scholarship/laboratory course/Exchange : Turkish World University Rectors Permanent Conference, 07JUL93
  • Joint Broadcasting - programme exchange : TV TRT Avrasya since April 27, 92 - Radio VOT since 67
  • Joint Script
  • New history books
  • News agency cooperation: Türkçe Konusan Ülkeler Haber Ajanslari Birligi (TKA), 27.11.92
  • Regional newspaper Tercüman (first found Apr 22, 1883), state supported, in every dialect, in latin and cyrillic, news bulletin
  • TÜMATA - türk musikisi arastirmasi
  • TURESCO founded in Ankara 1994
  • Turkovizyon Music Contest: first held August 11, 1996 in Istanbul
    Turkish Music
  • kardes sehirler - hazir olanlar

      turkish list
    • Azerbaijan'da
      Baku with Ankara, Haifa, Izmir, Sivas ve gayri-resmi Mainz ile
      Gebele with Havutlu/Adana
      Gence with Bursa , Izmir
      Ismayilli with Bursa
      Kazak with Nevsehir
      Kuba with Isparta
      Merdekan with Selcuk/Izmir
      Merveze with Samandira/Istanbul
      Niomiye with Gaziemir/Izmir
      Samahi with Amasya
      Seki with Kars
      Sumgayit with Icel , Kecioren/Ankara
    • Kazakstan'da
      Almaty with Istanbul , Tucson
      Almaty/Kalibin with Buca/Izmir
      Almaty/Fruzenskiy with Cankaya/Ankara
      Astana with Izmir
      Chimkent with Adana , Balikesir
      Djezkazgan with Yenisehir/Icel
      Kizilkum with Karaman
      Kokshetau with Waukesha
      Pavlodar with Denizli
      Satbayev with Toroslar/Icel
      Turkistan with Bayburt , Konya
    • Kyrgyzstan'da
      Bishkek with Ankara , Colorado Springs , Izmir, Kansas
      Celalabad with Eskisehir , Izmir
      Karakol with Asheville / NC , Gebze/Kocaeli , Konya
      Osh with Istanbul
    • Turkmenistan'da
      Ashgabat with Albuquerque , Ankara, Cleveland/Ohio
      Chardiev with Izmir
      Celeken with Marmaris/Mugla
      Dashovuz with Adana
      Firuze with Payas/Hatay
      Ganzancik with Mut/Icel
      Goktepe with Cankiri , Sogut/Bilecek
      Kipcak with Kurtkulagi/Adana
      Merv with Istanbul , Izmir
      Nebitdag with Antakya/Hatay
      Turkmenbasi with Iskenderun/Hatay
    • Uzbekistan'da
      Bukhara with Bursa , Izmir , Malatya , Santa Fe
      Gulistan with Adana
      Taskent Berlin, Izmir ve Seattle ile
      Samarkand with Istanbul , Izmir , Olympia / Washington

      Cheboksary / Shupashkar ile Antalya
      Kazan Antalya, Balikesir , Braunschweig , Bryan / College Station , TX ve Eskisehir ile
      Sterlitamak with Neryungri
      Ufa with Halle/Saale & Yakutsk
      Yakutsk with Fairbanks & Ufa
      Neryungri with Sterlitamak
      Balti / Moldova with Izmir
      Costanza / Romania with Izmir

    State Affairs

  • Joint Driving Licence
  • Mutual Consular Assistance : Citizen Support , Visa , Office (Kazak-Kyrgyz agreement 26.07.96)
  • Passport Union: Visa Excemption
  • TSU Organs - President , Commission , Minister Council , Parliamentary Assembly - rotating chairmanship every six months in alphabetical order
  • Turkish as UN language
  • [Permanent] Seat in the Security Council - Turkey is candidate for the period 2000-2001 (for the 2nd time since 1951)
  • Joint Security - training and joint batallion
    News :
  • Turkic Countries Create Joint Armed Forces. EurasiaNet 30 Jan 2013
  • Beside 190 Bosnian soldiers, about 2.000 officers from Azerbaijan and Central Asia are trained in turkish military schools and academies. Hürriyet - June 07, 96


      Ankara : Economic and Statistics Bureau, TAKM Center
      Astana : Interior and Security Bureau
      Ashgabat : International Secretary and Parlamentary Assembly
      Baku : Oil + Gas Bureau
      Bishkek : Culture + Language and Mining Bureau
      Istanbul : Turkish Bank
      Tashkent : Telecom, Tourism, Transport and Air Traffic Bureau

    Modeller: European Union/Community 1949 European Union, Nordic Council 1952, ASEAN, Baltic Council, East Sea Countries, Community of Portuges Speaking Countries - CARICOM, Mercosur, NAFTA

    Willy Brandt, former German chancellor, on german reunification : Jetzt wächst zusammen, was zusammengehört - Now comes together what belongs together. 1989/1990

    Atat&uumrk "Bu gün Sovyetler Birligi, dostumuzdur; komsumuzdur, müttefikimizdir. Bu dostluga ihtiyacimiz vardir. Fakat yarin ne olacagini kimse bu günden kestiremez. Tipki Osmanli gibi, tipki Avusturya-Macaristan gibi parçalanabilir, ufalabilir. Bugün elinde simsiki tuttugu milletler avuçlarindan kaçabilirler. Dünya yeni bir dengeye ulasabilir. Iste o zaman Türkiye ne yapacagini bilmelidir... Bizim bu dostumuzun idaresinde dili bir, inanci bir, özü bir kardeslerimiz vardir. Onlara sahip çikmaya hazir olmaliyiz. Hazir olmak yalniz o gunu susup beklemek degildir. Hazirlanmak lâzimdir. Milletler buna nasil hazirlanir? Manevi köprülerini saglam tutarak. Dil bir köprüdür... Inanç bir köprüdür...Tarih bir köprüdür... Köklerimize inmeli ve olaylarin böldügü tarihimizin içinde bütünlesmeliyiz. Onlarin bize yaklasmasini bekleyemeyiz. Bizim onlara yaklasmamiz gerekli..." M. Kemal ATATÜRK - October 29, 1933

    Vatan ne Türkiye'dir Türklere ne Türkistan
    Vatan büyük ve müebbed bir ülkedir: Turan!
    Ziya Gökalp

    Turkic Unity Day


    §1 This Union is formed to strengthen peace, prosperity, democracy, regional and international cooperation, mutual support and solidarity in its member territories and the whole Eurasian region.

    §2 Any State or Region may join the agreement in a whole or in parts. Subjects out of area may obtain observer status. No subject changes it status by joining the agreement.

    §3 The signing parts commit to coordinate their cultural, economic and liguistic politics and to keep regularly consultations about political questions.

    §4 The cooperation is based on following principles: a) mutual respect of sovereignity, b) non-intervention in internal problems, c) the principle of mutuality during talks and reaching agreement, d) the principle of equality.

    Kitaphaneler - Kütüphaneler

  • Almati
  • Ankara

      Akcag Pazarlama - Tuna Caddesi 8/1 in Kizilay / Ankara
      IMGE Kitabevi - somewhere around Mesrutiyet, Karanfil and Selanik Sokak in Kizilay / Ankara
      SANAT kitabevi - Karanfil sok. Birlik Is Merkezi 5/2 06650 Ankara Tel./Fax 0312-4186203
      Türk Dil Kurumu - Ataturk Bulvari 225 in Cankaya / Ankara
      Türk Tarih Kurumu - Kizilay Sokak 1 in Sihhiye / Ankara
  • Ashgabat Mahtum Kulu kocesi
  • Baku
    Kitap Evi
    Turk Dunyasi Arastirma Vakfi
  • Biskek Kiev kocesi
  • Cheboksary Ilbekova urami 5 and Karl Marks urami 36
  • Istanbul

      Azerbeycan Dünyasi Kitabevi - Fevzipasa Caddesi - Vakif Ishani 5 in Fatih / Istanbul
      Librairie de Pera - Galip Dede Caddesi 22 - Tunel 80050 Istanbul - Tel: 0212-252 80 10 / 0212-252 30 78 Fax: 0212-249 16 24
      Türk Dunyasi Arastirmalari Vakfi - Hoskadem Camii - Ankaravi Mehmed Efendi Medrese in Aksaray / Istanbul
  • Kazan
    Bauman urami 19
    Shmidt urami 4
  • Simferopol
    Pushkin sokaki
    Sevastopol sokaki 6
  • Tashkent Kitap uyi Mavi Gubbe

    Asian Rare Books pp Eastern Books of London - Rare books on Turkey Ekin Library and Publications

  • Kafkasya ve Orta Asya'da Resmi Bayramlar

    1.1. New Year - two days in Kazakstan and Kyrgyzstan 
    8.3. Women's Day 
    21.3. Navruz / Nevruz / Novruz / Nauruz / Navryz / Nooruz - in Kazakstan 22.3. 
    9.5. Victory Day 1945 all except Azerbaijan - Galaba Bayrami

    20.1. Day of Sorrow in Azerbaijan - 1990 
    1.5. Labour Day 
    28.05. Republic Day 1918 
    26.06. National Army Day 1918 
    01.08. National Alphabet Day 2001 
    18.10. Independence Day 1991 
    12.11. Constitution Day 1995 
    17.11. National Renaissance Day 
    31.12. Azeri World Solidarity Day
    12.10. adoption of a state seal and national anthem in 1993 in Bashkortostan
    1.5. Peoples Unity Day in Kazakstan 
    30.8. Constitution Day 1995 
    25.10. Republic Day 1990 
    16.12. Independance Day 1986
    5.5. Constitution Day 1993 in Kyrgyzstan 
    13.6. Commemoration Day 
    31.08. Independence Day 1991
    30.08. Independance Day 1991 in Tatarstan - Bäysezlek köne
    12.1. Commemoration Day in Turkmenistan 
    19.02. Flag Day - Birthday of Turkmenbashi 
    18.5. Constitution Day 1992 
    27./28.10. Independence Day - Garrasizlik Bayrami 1991 
    18.11. Flag Day in Uzbekistan 
    01.09. Independance Day - Mustakillik Bayrami 1991 
    08.12. Constitution Day - Konstituzia Bayrami 1992

    An idea for this century!

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