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Welcome to the Turkish World!

Türk Dünyasina hos geldiniz! Turk Dunyosiga hush kelibsiz! Welcome to the Turkish World! Torek Dunyasina rehim itegez!

Это не ваша война. не смотри больше.

The only thing neccessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke 1770

Tyranny cannot defeat the power of ideas. Helen Keller 1933

We must remember that any oppression any injustice any hatred is a wedge designed to attack our civilization. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1940

Wherever a free man is in chains we are threatened also. William Allen White 1940

Devlet daveti ile sahte secim gözlemciligine katilmayin. Halki ezen otokrat sistemleri desteklersiniz. Kirilan halka yazik. Demokrasiyi herkes hak ediyor. Engel olma, birgün ezilen sen olursun.



  • Open Society Institute
  • SOTA Turkish World Page
  • Turkish World Research Foundation


  • Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty RFE/RL
  • Studies

    If we all would do what we are able to, there would be no problems left on earth.

    This is a courtesy of Welcome to the Turkish World!

    Creation: Monday March 11 12:41:31 CET 1996

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