Official Sites
UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, Mrs. Mary Robinson
UNHCR (Geneva) High Commission for Refugees, Mrs. Sadako Ogata
OSCE HCNM OSCE Mission to Ukraine
The mandate of the OSCE Mission to Ukraine ended on 30 April 1999. The mission was established on 15 June 1994 and
began working in November of the same year. The principle areas of Mission activity were concerned with the status of Crimea
as an autonomous part of Ukraine and the return to Crimea of over 250.000 deported people and their descendants. OSCE Newsletter
OSCE Newsletter 09.97
OSCE Annual Report 1997 OSCE Annual Report 1996
UNHCR on Crimea
OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
UNDP Crimea Programme
TACIS/EU Ukraine
Turkish Embassy in Kyiv - vul. Arsenalna 18 - Tel. +380-44-2949964/291 88 45 Fax +380-44-2956423 / 291 88 84 - Ambassador
Alp Karaosmanoglu
Sevastopol Migration Office
TIKA Turkish International Cooperation Agency - Akay Caddesi No. 6 - 06640 Ankara/Kucukesat - Tel. +90-312-4172790 and
Fax +90-312-4172799
TIKA Crimea - Yaltsinkaya Street 20 - Simferopol - Crimea/Ukraine - Tel. +380-652-239815 Fax +380-652-248011
OSCE Crimea - Simferopol - Tel. +380-652-239819 Fax 248011 - mission head: Charles Magi, mission member: Frank Ewers
OSCE Mission to Ukraine - Head of Mission: Ambassador Michael WYGANT - 15 Striletska Str. - 252034 Kyiv, Ukraine - Tel.
+380-44-2281031 Fax: 2248243
Head of UNHCR Mission in Ukraine Mr. Joseph Dyorke
Ukraine entered the Council of Europe and obliged to care about the returning Crimean Tatars. In Resolution 1179 (1999)
adopted by the Assembly on January 27, Ukraine was urged to respect the commitments as a member of the CoE and encouraged
her in particular to solve remaining questions of the Crimean Tatars.
Mr. Egbert Ausems, Head of the Secretariat of the Committee on the Honouring of obligations and commitments by member
States of the Council of Europe - ph:+33/3 88 41 3077, fax+33/3 88 41 2702
Mr. Alan Philips, Executive Director of the Minority Rights Group, Vice-President of the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention, ph:+44(0)171 978 9498, fax +44 (0)171 738 6265
Ms. Nadia Khafaji, Minority Unit of Council of Europe, ph:; Fax:
Mr. Antti Korkeakivi, person responsible for the contacts on the reports, ph. 33 388 41 29956
Crimea International
Der deutsche Jugendverein der Krim
1,000 Deutschstämmige wollen auf die Krim umsiedeln = Simferopol (dpa) - Etwa 1.000 Deutschstämmige aus verschiedenen Teilen
der früheren Sowjetunion wollen auf die Schwarzmeer-Halbinsel Krim umsiedeln. Das
sagte der deutschstämmige Abgeordnete im KrimParlament, Renpening, in Simferopol. Es fehlten aber Wohnungen und Arbeitsplätze.
Nach dem Überfall Hitler-Deutschlands auf die Sowjetunion
1941 hatte Stalin die Nachfahren deutscher Kolonisten von der Krim deportieren lassen. Seit dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion sind
etwa 3.000 Deutschstämmige bereits zurückgekehrt. dpa Sep 96
Karaites Association in Lithuania - Lietuvos karaimu religine bendruomene, Palangos 1-4, Tel. 611539
Karaite Kenesa, Luberto 6, Vilnius
Karaite Kenesa & Museum, Karaite Str., daily 11-16 - from 18th c.
At the end of the end 14th (1389) and the beginning of the 15th centuries, the Grand Duke Vytautas brought the Karaite
(Schriftgelehrte) and Tatar families to Lithuania to serve as guards at the Duke's castle and as personal guards of the Grand
Duke Vytautas himself. Nowadays 289 Karaites live in Lithuania.
J. Maceika's Trakai Guide, printed 1940 in Vilnius, mentions in the Chapter "Paminklu pedsakais, Karaimu kienese" the
Karaims in Trakai. In the literature chapter Ar. Turcevic's "Trokskij zamok, 1901, Vilna" is mentioned as a source.
Spoken Karaim CD
Crimean Tatar Association in Lithuania - Lietuvos musulmonu sunitu religine bendruomene, A. Vivulskio gauta 3, 2009 Vilnius, Tel. 652051
Tatars in Lithuania
Tatars came in 14 and 15th century. 5.100 of them nowadays live in Lithuania, mostly in Vilnius. In 1997 the 600th anniversary
of the settlement of Tatars and Karaims in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was celebrated.
Zwiazek Tatarow Polskich Oddzial w Gdansku - Polish Tatar Community - Verband der polnischen Tataren
Powstancow, Warszawskich 22m.2, PL - 80-152 Gdañsk
Poland Tatars
Information on Tatars in Poland
There was an important trade route from Crimea to Prague. It lead through Krakow.
1.500 Tatar live in Tolci-Tulca (Tulcea) city and another 20.000 in Dobruja out of a total 24.000 Tatar in Romania. In
1860/1861 a mosque was built in Mecidiye for the Crimean settlers. The King of Romania built the Carol Mosque in Constanta.
UDTTMR Tatar Union in Romania, Constanta, Tel. +40-41-616643
Bucharest Branch President Abduraim Sefcati 021-2104309/6377647/0722-443866
Tulcea Branch President Süleyman Ridvan 074-4195794
Since 1992 Romanian Tatars and Turks have one deputy. Tatar Deputy elected in 2000: Sali Negiat Turkish deputy elected in 2000: Metin Cerchez
Tatars in Dobrich (Southern Dobruja) , Bulgaria
The Crimean Khan Konak was built in 1830 in Varbicha. Around 20.000 Crimean Tatars live in Bulgaria.
Mr. Ivan Miglev - D.-Kovachev 8, entr. G, et.1, app. 1 - 9300 Dobrich - Bulgaria - Tel.: 00359 / 58 / 77 38 89
Bahçesaray Kirim Türkleri Kültür ve Yardimlasma Dernegi
Türkiye'de 5 milyon kadar Kirim Tatari yasamakta.
Chabad of Crimea
4.149 Crimean Tatar live in Russia.
7.000 Crimean Tatars live in USA.
Crimea Cooperation
`The Congress for The Data Network 2000' of the Black Sea Universities =
will be held at the Harbiye Military Museum and Cultural Centre in =
Istanbul between 5-8 July. The meeting of this voluntary group in the =
Black Sea Economic Cooperation, will indicate the importance attributed =
to Turkey regarding computer sciences in addition to the social, =
economic and political areas. The Congress will be assembled under the =
chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Yildirim, from the Istanbul =
University. Hürriyet - 30.06.00
forum of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)
organization in Yalta on 5 June, the BSEC leaders signed a
joint declaration and a charter proclaiming the BSEC a
regional economic organization, ITAR-TASS reported.
Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma said in his opening speech
that "the BSEC is transforming into a major component of
Europe's new security system." He added that Ukraine is in
favor of creating a BSEC free-trade zone. The forum is
attended by the presidents of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine as
well as the prime ministers of Greece and Russia. RFE/RL Newsline 05.06.1998
TURCO-GREEK SUMMIT TO BE HELD IN YALTA Although no advance preparation has been made, a Turco-Greek
summit, might be held in Yalta where a Black Sea Economic
Cooperation Conference will be held between 4-5 June, diplomatic
sources have predicted. The same sources have also noted that
despite the lack of preparation it might be a useful meeting
between President Suleyman Demirel of Turkey and Greek Prime
Minister Kostas Simitis who will be the highest representatives
of their countries at the conference. After the conference in
Yalta, Turkish and Greek foreign ministers will come together in
Istanbul on June 8-9 for a conference of Balkan foreign
ministers. No bilateral meeting between the two ministers is
foreseen. However, should a peaceful atmosphere be created in
Yalta, it could be possible, noted diplomatic sources. Hurriyet - 28.05.98
Entwicklungspolitik Online
Federalistic Union of European Nations
Sources of Funding in International Affairs
Recommendation 1455 (2000) of Council of Europe
A partnership exist between Heidelberg ( Germany ) and Simferopol since 1990. In 1997 a partnership between Kastamonu in Turkey and Bakhchasaray started.
Freundeskreis Heidelberg - Simferopol e.V.
Kirim ve tatar kokenli vatandaslarin cogunlukta oldugu Eskisehir, kardes kent olarak da Tataristanin Kazan sehrini secmis.
Bundan uc yil once iki sehrin belediyeleri kardeslik protokolunu baslatmislar. Gectigimiz yil ise Kardes sehir Kazan, bir
jest yaparak, Eskisehirin kurtulus gunu olan 2 Eylule folklor ekipleriyle katilmislar. Eskisehir, Temmuz ayinda bir kardes
daha bekliyor. Kirim Ozerk Cumhuriyetinin Sudak kenti. Teklif yapildi, kardes olma sureci baslatildi. Hurriyet 08.06.98
Military and Naval Cooperation
Ukrainian Navy
Six countries on the Black Sea coast have decided to form a naval force. =
A letter of intent which will indicate the basic principles of the =
force, called the Black Sea Naval Cooperation Misson Group, or =
"BLACKSEAFOR", is expected to be signed today in Ankara. A statement =
from the Foreign Ministry said that the letter of intent will be signed =
by Turkey, Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia and Ukranie. BLACKSEAFOR =
will be responsible for conducting joint humanitarian missions and =
search and rescue efforts. Turkish Daily News 28.06.00
NATO MAY OPEN MILITARY MISSION IN UKRAINE. A NATO senior official said in Kyiv on 26 June that the Western alliance may
open a liaison mission in the Ukrainian capital later this year, Interfax reported. Klaus Kleiber, an aide to NATO Secretary-General
Javier Solana, said his boss will discuss that possibility during a 8-9 July visit to Ukraine. On 26-27 June in Crimea, Kleiber
stressed the importance of developing good relations between Ukraine and that region,
ITAR-TASS reported on 28 June. Those ties may improve following a meeting in Kyiv on 26 June at which
approximately half of the 26 countries represented pledged some $5 million to help resettle the Crimean Tatars,
Interfax reported. Kyiv has sought $13.8 million to help this group, which was deported from the region by Stalin in
1944. RFE/RL Newsline 29.06.1998
25-04NOV98 Sea Breeze 98 in the Black Sea
An International Sea training "The Cooperative Partner '98"
which will be carried out June 14-28 in north-western part of
Black Sea within the NATO "Partnership for Peace" Program, will
differ by "concentration of forces and intensiveness". Sergey
Gayduk, the chief officer of Ukrainian Navy Forces
head-quarter, told this on the briefing for journalists in
By his words, about 30 ships, aviation and more than 600
soldiers from Germany, Bulgaria, Greece, the Netherlands,
Spain, Italy, Romania, the USA, Turkey, Ukraine and France will
take part in maneuvers. 01.06.98
NATO'nun Baris için Ortaklik Plâni çerçevesinde 25 Agustos 1997'de
Kirim'da gerçeklestirilen Deniz Meltemi-97 (Sea Breeze-97) askerî tatbikatinda
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Deniz Kuvvetleri'ne bagli bir firkateyn ve denizalti ile deniz askerleri de
yer aldi. Alti gün sürecek olan tatbikata ev sahibi konumundaki Ukrayna 18, Amerika Birlesik
Devletleri iki, Bulgaristan bir, Gürcistan bir gemi ve Romanya da bir firkateyn ile
katildilar. Tatbikatta yer alan gemiler Gözleve yakinlarinda bulunan ve Kirim'daki en önemli deniz
üslerinden biri olan Donuzlav'da demirlediler. Deniz Meltemi-97 tatbikati deprem ve tabiî
afet hallerinde koordineli kurtarma çalismalari yapilmasina hazirlik amaciyla düzenlendi.
Öte yandan, Rusya bu tatbikatin yapilmamasi için uzun süredir çaba göstermekteydi. Bu
hususta özellikle bir Türk denizaltisinin mevcudiyetinden duyulan rahatsizlik dile
getirilmekte ve tatbikatin Rusya'ya yönelik saldirgan gayelerle tertiplendigi iddia edilmekteydi.
During Turkish President Suleyman Demirel's official three-day visit to Ukraine, Kyiv and Ankara signed a military
cooperation agreement, ITAR-TASS reported on 21 May. Demirel said he sees "great prospects" for bilateral cooperation in the
military sphere. His Ukrainian counterpart, Leonid Kuchma, declined to comment on details of the agreement, saying that "details
will be tackled by the military." Meanwhile, the 22 May "Turkish Daily News" reported that Ukraine "is on tenterhooks" to
sell T-84 tanks to Turkey, which, the newspaper said, is "in the market for 1,000
battle tanks." Demirel announced in Kyiv that Turkey is going to spend $150 billion on armaments over the next 30
years. 22.05.1998
(Interview of Director of the Institute of Diaspora and Integration
Konstantin Zatulin to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper)
- What will be consequences, if, within this week, the Federal Assembly
of Russia will finally ratify the Treaty On Friendship... of the 1997
- For the first, we will no more have the reason to demand the special
attitude towards Russian majority in Crimea and Russian
state-establishing ethnicity in Ukraine. So, the ukrainization of
population will continue. The position of Ukraine is well known. A few
years ago the Prosvita society near the Ukrainian president have
recommended that using of non-state languages in mass-media sources is
equal to pornography!
For the second, Ukraine has its program of cooperation with the
NATO. The NATO Charter demands that the newcomer to the NATO must not
have territorial claims to any other country. After the ratification
of the Treaty On Friendship... Ukraine will not have such claims.
And the last thing. Crimea was transferred to Russia by Osman Empire
according to the Treaty of Kuchuk-Kaynardzhi of 1774. This Treaty
supposes, that Russia cannot cede Crimea to anyone, and even if will
want to do so, the peninsula can be given back only to Turkey and
nobody else. I do not exclude, that after some period of time this
issue will be brought up, because of the Turkish influence in Crimea
is being steady expanded via the Crimean Tatar Mejlis, which leader is
Turk by ethnic background.
On Turkish-Ukrainian Relation
The Black and Mediterranean seas as 'one sea'? A new horizon
in Turkish-Ukrainian relations
Foreign Minister Cem should look a little bit more to the north
rather than to the east and far east. Ukraine is there as both
sides enter a new era. There are many things to be done. The
work must continue at a faster and faster pace
Last week I was in Yalta for an international conference
entitled "Ukraine, Europe and the U.S. in the Formation of a
New Euro-Atlantic Security Architecture" at Livadia Palace,
where the world was once literally divided among the big three
(the United States, Great Britain and Soviet Union). This
historic place provided the perfect setting for the discussion of
issues ranging from the Kosovo crisis to American and
European security interests, and from the Black Sea to Central
The flight to Simperofol with Turkish Airlines was the first of
this new route -- an economic gateway to a new horizon for
both countries. Turkey is indeed a regional power with its
economic strength, particularly in terms of the Black Sea region,
and Turkey and Ukraine will certainly profit equally from this
new regional cooperation. In my view there are many areas in
which both sides can work together, and certainly for the time
being stronger interaction is necessary.
As the name of the conference suggests, both the European
Union and the United States want to bring Ukraine into their
respective folds as a reliable partner, though they are aware of
the fact that Russia is still the most important economic and
political draw for Ukraine. Ukraine, for its part, is pursuing a
very cautious foreign and security policy in an attempt to set a
balance, as regards Russia in particular. Ukraine has not joined
together with Russian and Belarus in the "Slavic Union" and
instead stresses always its "European vocation" and its desire in
the future to join Western institutions.
As an independent state since the end of the Cold War, Ukraine
has already established its statehood and national identity, and
every passing year will make Ukraine less dependent on Russia,
including economically. As is also the case with Poland -- which
is now a NATO member and a candidate for full membership in
the EU -- Ukraine has generally good relations with other
countries and has great economic potential; however, today
economic instability is the main problem. Ukraine, like Poland, is
not torn between East and West. Reintegration with Europe has
for centuries been its policy. Ukraine considers itself, rightly, as
part of European culture and civilization. But Ukraine feels
isolated by EU policies, and does not have the slightest chance
of becoming a member in the EU in the foreseeable future. The
EU's policy towards Ukraine has too many "ifs," and it is clear
that Ukraine has to undertake certain economic and political
reforms to meet the EU criteria.
The American position is different. The U.S. administration
considers Ukraine both geo-economically and geopolitically very
important and is interested most of all in a stable Ukraine.
Undoubtedly Ukraine is like Turkey: one of the most important
bridgeheads of the Eurasian region. Russian and U.S. interests
are for the most part disparate as concerns this region, but there
are also similarities.
In addition, the upcoming presidential election in the fall will be
very important in terms of the direction Ukrainian policies are
oriented. It seems that at as the millennium comes to an end,
the Black Sea/Central European region will see many new and
unexpected developments. Even in Ukraine there are many
"post-Yeltsin" scenarios.
The difference between EU and U.S. policies concerning
Ukraine will in the end serve Russian interests. Russia's Third
Fleet (Eskadra) in Sevastopol is representative of the Soviet
decay of power. When we were taken to visit Sevastopol on a
sunny Saturday afternoon last week, it was clearly to show us
the demoralized state of Russian forces there. Certainly, the
West has won the Cold War; the history of this era has not
ended as Francis Fukuyama suggests, but rather the beginning
of a new history has begun.
Ukraine is also very disappointed in particular by EU policies
that prevent them from acting together to create common
foreign and security policies. There is also the general view in
Ukraine that the European Defense and Security Identity
(ESDI) will lead nowhere given today's circumstances. In
addition, Germany is criticized for its perceived "one-sided
policies" concerning Central and Eastern Europe. Despite the
fact that Germany has historically and currently had great
economic and political interests in Ukraine, the government of
Ukraine feels that it does not receive enough German support in
the EU and other European institutions. The fact is that
Germany indeed redefined its interests after reunification, and
along with Turkey, Germany is among the biggest investors in
Turkey should openly support Ukraine economically and
politically to a greater extent. Both countries have much to learn
from each other. Ukraine is ready to learn from Turkey's
experiences, and the greater number of joint activities, in
particular the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization,
are very helpful in this respect.
Turkey is the most important player in the region as regards
greater economic cooperation, after Russia, the EU and the
United States. Turkish-Russian relations have improved in
recent years more than ever, and they should continue. A stable
Russia and Ukraine are certainly in Turkey's interest. It is clear
that Ukraine considers the United States its main security
partner, whereas the United States views Ukraine as an
important instrument, as Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests in his
book "The Grand Chessboard," in its economic and political
rivalry with Russia. Ukraine follows a policy to maintain a
balance of power, and its "neutrality" will in the long run be very
Ukraine, like Turkey, is considered by the EU as a "security
consumer"; a contrast to how these two countries view
themselves, which is as "contributors to security." Turkey's
advantage is that it is in NATO, Ukraine is not. This is another
of Ukraine's weaknesses. However, Ukraine has been able to
successfully stay out of any internal or external conflicts.
As First Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Yevhen Bersheda
stresses, the Black and Mediterranean seas in antiquity were
referred to as "one sea." Indeed, this is another dimension that
will bring Turkey and Ukraine closer, not only as strategic
bridgeheads but also as economically key countries; in
particular, this understanding is important as regards energy
lines running between the Black and Mediterranean seas.
Is there another country in Turkey's neighborhood that has the
formidable economic and strategic potential of Ukraine? It has
been a pity not to have yet seen any specific attention given to
Ukraine by Turkish governments in foreign policy declarations.
If Turkey wants to adopt a multi-faceted policy, Ukraine should
be among the first countries with which Turkey should develop
relations at a faster clip. I'm sure the Ukrainian government
would be interested in searching the horizon for possible new
relations. Foreign Minister Ismail Cem should look a little bit
more to the north rather than to the east and far east. Ukraine
is there as both sides enter a new era. There are many things to
be done. The work must continue at a faster and faster pace.
Copyright 1999 Turkish Daily News 04.06.1999