Mustafa Abdulcemil Kirimoglu (Jemilev)
born on 13 November 1943 in Crimea. He has been awarded with the Polish Solidarity Prize, Turkish State Award
and the Liberty (US) award. On
May 19, 1944 as all Crimean Tatars the family of Mustafa
Jemilev was deported from Crimea, lived under explicit
commandant surveillance in the Andijan region of Uzbekistan
till 1955.
At the end of 1961 he took part in the process of foundation of
the illegal youth- student political organization . Later, after the
destruction of the
organization and arrest of its leaders Mustafa Jemilev, accused
of participation in was fired from his
work at a plant.
In 1962 he entered the faculty of hydromelioration of the
Tashkent institute of irrigation, but was dismissed in 1965
under the accusation of his possession of nationalistic and
anti- soviet views, perverted interpretation of the to deport Crimean Tatars from Crimea in
1944 and
negative influence upon surrounding students.
In May 1966 sent to prison for a year and a half. This time he
was accused of the rejection compulsory military service in the
rows of the Soviet Army.
In May 1969, after the arrest of famous human rights defender
General Pietr Grigorenko, along with other 14 well-known human
rights defenders he become the founder of .
Arrested once again in September 1969. In his last word M.
Jemilev announced a 30-day hunger- strike against the rude
violation of human rights in the USSR, which he committed in
Tashkent prison.
M. Jemilev was freed in September 1972, and as lived under
surveillance in Gulistan (Uzbekistan), working as an engineer
at a collective farm.
Arrested in June 1974 and convicted to 1 year deprivation of
freedom at hard regime labor camps. This time he was accused of
avoiding the summoning to military training camps. As it later
become known the reason of this arrest was possessed by KGB
concerned with the assumed intention of
M. Jemilev to go to Moscow in order to pass a petition about
the problems of Crimean Tatars to the President of the USA R.
Nikson, staying there with an official visit. He served his
term at a hardened regime camp in Omsk region. 3 days before
the end of the term against Jemilev was originated a new penal
law suite, accusing him of compiling documents of antisoviet
nature. Protesting the suite Jemilev announced a hunger-strike,
which, while Jemilev was subjected to the use of force to be
fed, lasted 303 days.
A month before the end of the penalty term the administration
of the camp attempted to fabricate a new penalty, but following
the 15-day hunger strike M. Jemilev was sent by a special plane
to Tashkent and freed in December 1977 under the explicit
administrative surveillance by MVD ( The Ministry of Internal
In February 1979 arrested and accused of deliberate violation
of the rules of administrative surveillance. He was convicted
to a year and a half of imprisonment but the penalty was
supplanted by sending to four-year exile in Yakutia.
After the exile in Yakutia with his wife and child he departed
to Crimea, but in three days along with his family was expelled
from Crimea and put under the explicit administrative
surveillance of MVD in Yangiul, Tashkent region. Worked at a
plant as a worker and mechanic. In November 1983 was arrested
sixth time and convicted by Tashkent regional court to three
years of imprisonment in camps of hardened regime by the
accusation of . Served his
term at the camp , Magadan region.
In April, 1987 at the first meeting of the activists of Crimean
Tatar national movement in the Soviet Union was elected within
the 15 members of the Central Initiative Group of the National
Movement of Crimean Tatars. Edited semi-legal weekly . In May 1989
at the regular
meeting of the activists of the national movement was founded
where M. Jemilev was elected the Chairman of the organization.
The same year he moved with his family to Crimea and settled in
In June 1991, at the called the first after 1917 time National
Congress of the freely elected representatives of Crimean
Tatars, named The Second Kurultay (Congress) of Crimean Tatar
people, he was elected the Chairman of Mejlis (Parliament) of
Crimean Tatar people- the Chief representative organ of Crimean
In December 1994 M. Jemilev was praised by the appointed by the
municipality of Karsiyaka-Izmir (Turkey) Annual International Prize of
Human Rights. By the decision of Kastamonu city (Turkey) M.
Jemilev was granted the status of the Honorable Citizen of that
In May 1996 M. Jemilev was granted the status of the Honorable
Doctor of Science in the field of Politics and Law of Seljuk
University (Konya, Turkey) and the status of the Honorable
Citizen of Kirikkale city (Turkey).
In June 1996 at the Third Kurultay of Crimean Tatar people M.
Jemilev was elected the Chairman of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatar
people for the second 5-year term.
awarded with fahri doktorluk of Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitusu and Selcuk University Foto
High Commissioner Sadako Ogata awarded the 1998 Nansen Medal to
Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Abdulcemil Kirimoglu at a ceremony at the Palais
des Nations in Geneva "in recognition of his outstanding efforts toward
reintegrating Crimean Tatars in their native Ukraine." A co-founder in 1969
with the late Andrei Sakharov and others of the Initiative Group for the
Defense of Human Rights in the USSR, Cemiloglu spent many years in Soviet
prisons and labor camps. He was elected leader of the Crimean Tatar national
movement in 1989, returned to Crimea in that year and has since 1991 headed
the Crimean Tatars' representative organization, the People's Majlis. October 05, 98
born on 22 December 1957 in Samarkand
(Uzbekistan). Since 1968 lives in Crimea.
In 1974 finished regular school. Started working in 17 as a
sower at a tractor brigade. In 1975 finished the Simferopol
GPTU (profession school) No 1 with the diploma of a mason. In
1977 entered the Moscow State Historical-Archive Institute as a
historian- archivist. After commencement in 1983 was sent to
Riga (Latvia) to the Latvian State Archive as an archivist. In
1984 was appointed the director of the Latvian State Archive.
Along with scientific activities was busy with social
activities- since 1988 to 1990 served as the chairman of the
Association of national-cultural communities of Latvia, in
which more than twenty national communities were united. Took
active part in Latvian movement for perestroyka
. In 1989 was elected a deputy of the Riga city Soviet
of people deputies. Since January 1990 to August 1991 worked in
the Soviet of Ministers of the USSR State Commission for the
resolution of the problems of Crimean Tatars. Returned to Crimea in 1990.
In March 1994 was elected a Deputy of the Supreme Council of
Crimea (Crimean Parliament), where he directed the deputy
faction , later headed the Constant Commission of
national policies and the problems of deported people.
At the time being- the deputy-speaker of the Supreme Council of
Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Vice-Chairman of the Mejlis of
Crimean Tatar people. Fluent in Crimean Tatar, Ukrainian, Russian languages.
Married, has three children.
Ivan Ayvazofskiy - 1817-1900 - painter
Numan Celebi Cihan - 1885 - 23.02.1918 - first president of Independent Crimea & lawyer, poet and writer
Metin Colpan, business men in Europe
I. Efet - the Karaim general consul of Sultan Abdulhamit
Ismail Bey Gaspirali (Gaspirinsky) - 1851-11.9.1914 - founder of Tercuman (10.4.1883) - published the monthly digests
Tonguc, Safak, Kamer, Günes, Yildiz and Miraticedid until 1883, then Tercüman newspaper - Tercüman sold 50.000 papers, 450
people were employed for distribution mayor of Bahcesaray between 1878 and 1882 - introducer of a new system of education
usul-u cedid
Sultan Ahmet Han (Amet Khan) - pilot during WW II - shortly after his brother dies during deportation, Stalin award him with the orden "Hero of the Soviet
Veli Ibrahimov Edige Kırımal Cafer Seydahmet Kırımer Marjani
Kayyum Nasiri
Ms. Ayshe Seytmuratova - world renowned Crimean Tatar activist and nationalist
Zarema Trasinov, painter, 1938
Müstecip Ülküsal Maximilian Voloshin - 1873-1932 - poet and painter
Feridun Zaimoglu, author in Germany
Kirim Sehitleri