International Response to the invasion of Ukraine
All decendants of the deported people must be supported to return to Crimea, get land to live, education,
jobs and citizenship. The indigenious population of Crimea must be free to work, move, travel to and
from Crimea, no matter which citizenship they hold.
Most inhabitants of Crimea, especially those whose families migrated after 1944, are unaware of the history
of Crimea. Their knowledge is based on false Soviet propaganda. School books must be corrected.
To protect the rights of all ethnic groups in Crimea elections must be proportional.
At all government level minorities must be represented.
UN, OSCE, EU, US and Ukraine should continue to condemn the discrimination of Crimean Tatars in their homeland
since the invasion.
Crimean Tatar must be tought in kinder gardens, schools and universities. Newspapers, radios and TV supported
by the state.
Crimean Tatars should have national autonomy.
May 9 should be celebrated as Europe Day.
May 18 must be remembered Crimea wide by the government and society.
European countries should pool their gas demand and negotiate terms together. Gas supplies must be shared
with in Europa. Hungary, Slovakia and RWE deserve support for their contribution.
No cooperation with people supporting unlawful actions in Ukraine. A bright example is finnish opera singer
Karita Mattila.
The occupation of Abchasia, Crimea, Karabakh, Osetia and Transnistria must end.
No trade with occupied Crimea.
No travel to occupied Crimea.
Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine should leave CIS.
Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine should not participate in CIS 'Election' Observer Missions.
The Moldovan and Ukrainian churches should be independant.
Demands, IC Crimea 08/2001
a.. Recognize Crimean Tatars as the indigenous people of Crimea
b.. Recognize the Crimean Tatar National Mejlis as the de jure
representative of the Crimean Tatar people
c.. Include all Crimean Tatars in the legitimate distribution of
land in Crimea
d.. Recognize Crimean Tatar as one of the official languages in
e.. Recognize the right of the Crimean Tatars to be represented in
all aspects of Crimean government, including the Crimean Parliament
f.. Make the Crimean authorities stop persecuting those Crimean
Tatars who peacefully protest the illegal actions of the Crimean
g.. Withdraw all plans that threaten the integrity of Zincirli
Medrese and assist Crimean Tatars to reestablish it as an institution
of higher learning
h.. Help those Crimean Tatars who still remain in exile in Central
Asia and other former Soviet Republics to return and resettle in the
their ancestral homeland, the Crimea
<p>Demands, IC Crimea 08/1997
- Officially recognize the Crimean Tatar National Mejlis as the sole
representative of the Crimean Tatar people
- Recognize the Crimean Tatar people as the indigenous people of the
Crimea, whose rights have to be provided in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine (art. 11 and 92)
- Recognize the entire Crimean Tatar population in Uzbekistan, the
Crimea and in all the other former Soviet Republics, as "Deportees"
<p>- to guarantee an effective representation of Crimean Tatar People in all
branches of the State authorities at all levels
- to establish the Crimean Tatar Language as an official one in the
Autonomous Republic of Crimea
1. The restoration of national integrity of Crimean Tatar Peoples by means of returning of their main part to Crimea remained
in the places of the deportation.2.
2. The restoration of the State system (of national - territorial autonomous republic) of Crimean Tatar Peoples in the
membership of Ukraine.
3. The providing of guarantied representation and participation of Crimean Tatars in all organs of legislative, executive
and judicial authorities of Crimea.
4. The full compensation of property state and damages that were committed for Crimean Tatar Peoples in the view of deportation
of 1944.
5. The formation and realization of state and inter - state programs of organized returning and resettlement of returning
Crimean Tatars to Crimea to all the places of their historical residence.
6. The legal consolidation of the status of the Crimean Tatar language as the state - language and providing its functioning
in state area of Crimea.
7. The creation of conditions for revival of the language, the system of national education, culture and the history of
the peoples.
8. The restoration of historical place - names of Crimea.
9. The returning of the worship edifices and vacuf lands to Moslem communities of Crimea.
The State should buy private land that is not used for minimum two years and re-distribute it to Tatars.
There should be a register with all property confiscated during SÜRGÜN - Deportation in 1944. Whenever the current owner
wants to sell, this property the former owner has the right to buy it for the same price.
There should be cooperative to sell agricultural goods throughout Crimea.
<p>Business and Economy
German KfW and other institutions shall found MEBC - Micro Enterprise Bank Crimea to finance small businesses - <A
href="" >Rural Banking Innovations Project</A>
German KfW and other institutions shall support Yurtbank
ten percent of income should be taxfree when invested in pension or housing fonds
There should be an exchange of state employees working in citizenship and registration offices.
<A href="" >Recommendation 1455 (2000) of Council of Europe</A>
Turkish and other NATO Navy Ships should visit each year the ports of Odessa, Sevastopol and Yalta and invite the population
Teaching foreign languages - volunteers hold one-week classes and issue certificates
Professional experience - create opportunities in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungaria, Romania and Poland
<p>Humanitarian Aid
Small parcels should be collected and brought by the Crimean Tatar organizations abroad
Ukraine should not tax humanitarian aid brought into the country.
o To remain informed about the official and non-official policies that affect the current Tatar population in Crimea,
Ukraine. (IC CRIMEA)
<p>Legal Situation
Leaving uzbek citizenship and applying for ukrainian citizenship was free of charge for about one and half a year until
end of 1999. This has to be applied for all deported families.
The Crimean election law should not be different from the Ukrainian one.
So it seems that this point of Draft Resolution might hold more decisive
formula as "to propose to the Government of Ukraine to study the experience
of other member States of the Council of Europe concerning the
representation of small minorities, status and legal arrangements for their
Indigenous Peoples (e.g. Denmark, Germany, Romania, Slovenia, Norway,
Sweden, Finland etc.) and to look for the providing necessary
representation and participation of Crimean Tatars in national, Crimean and
local institutions". Nadir Bekirov, Foundation for Research and Support of Indigenous Peoples of Crimea, 10.03.2000,
Letter to the Comittee on Migration, Refugees and Demography of PACE
<p>Official Organizations
The Crimean Tatar Mejlis should be consulted during any fact finding mission. No report should base on the input of the
well known Stalinist and enemy of any democratic development, Leonid Grach, Speaker of
the Upper Soviet of Crimea
Praktika in Fraktionen und Ministerien
<p>Remembering SÜRGÜN
SÜRGÜN should be remembered officially in all states where Crimean Tatars live: Bulgaria, Romania, Russia (Bashkortostan,
Tatarstan), Turkey, Uzbekistan
Name Simferopol/Aqmescit Airport Amet-Han Sultan airport
Name streets in Ukraine and Crimea after General Pyotr Grigorenko